

Din sökning på "*" gav 124335 sökträffar

The new international students arrived in Lund on the 15 August

By ida [dot] thelander [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se (Ida Thelander) - published 17 August 2023 On Arrival Day, 15 August, the University welcomed the new international students to Lund. In autumn 2023, 4,000 new international students have been accepted for studies at Lund University. About a quarter of those are exchange students studying at Lund for a semester or a year. The remaining 3,000 include

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/new-international-students-arrived-lund-15-august - 2025-03-16

Join us at LundaPride on 26 August!

Published 18 August 2023 In connection with Pride Week in Lund, the University invites you to join us in a pre-procession get-together, after which we can participate in the Pride parade together. The LundaPride parade takes place on 26 August and the University wishes to take part and highlight the event. There will be refreshments in the Main University Building before we go to the starting poin

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/join-us-lundapride-26-august - 2025-03-16

The annual Internationalisation Day 12 September

By isabelle [dot] nilsson [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se (Isabelle Nilsson) - published 24 August 2023 On 12 September 2023, it is time for the annual Internationalisation Day at Lund University. The theme for this year will be Virtual exchange and intercultural perspectives. It will take place at Gustafscenen at the AF castle between 09.00-15:30.  You can sign up for the entire day or morning / aftern

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/annual-internationalisation-day-12-september - 2025-03-16

Proposals for new measures for a more benefit-driven and value-creating administrative organisation

Published 30 August 2023 I hope that you have all had an enjoyable summer and holiday! Two important reviews were completed during the summer: an examination of the Central Administration’s organisation and working methods and a pre-study on professional and career development for technical and administrative staff. Both reviews are very much in line with the University’s Platform for Strategic Wo

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/proposals-new-measures-more-benefit-driven-and-value-creating-administrative-organisation - 2025-03-16

Review of Central Administration is now complete

By eva [dot] johannesson [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Eva Johannesson) - published 30 August 2023 A review of the Central Administration’s organisation and working methods was conducted during the spring. The review presents several proposals for changes that will strengthen a value-creating and benefit-driven administrative organisation. The main focus of the review was on whether the cu

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/review-central-administration-now-complete - 2025-03-16

New agreement for translation

Published 26 August 2023 As of 15 September 2023, the University has a new framework agreement with eight translation providers for translation from Swedish to English and vice versa. The agreement covers translation from Swedish to English and English to Swedish for the following areas: law, economics, humanities, fine arts, music, theatre, engineering, medicine and social sciences. Orders for tr

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/new-agreement-translation - 2025-03-16

Is your research related to the Global Goals?

By hanna [dot] voog [at] ub [dot] lu [dot] se (Hanna Voog) - published 29 August 2023 The UN’s Global Goals will now be used in LUCRIS to tag researchers, research output, organisations and research projects that are linked to the Goals. This is a sought-after function and the strategic decision will highlight the University’s sustainability-related research. Check to see how your research is tagg

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/your-research-related-global-goals - 2025-03-16

New guidelines for partial pensions

By webbansvarig [at] hr [dot] lu [dot] se (HR-sektionens webbansvarig) - published 29 August 2023 On 15 June 2023, the University approved changes to the guidelines for granting and taking out partial pensions. The new guidelines cover all those who apply for and start to receive a partial pension as of 1 January 2024.   The partial pension agreement for government employees from 2003 has meant a

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/new-guidelines-partial-pensions - 2025-03-16

Career development for academic staff

Published 24 August 2023 Lund University offers a broad range of activities that contribute in one way or another to career development for academic staff, either within or outside academia. During the autumn, development activities will be arranged for doctoral students, postdocs, researchers and senior lecturers. Read more on the page about career development for academic staff.

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/career-development-academic-staff - 2025-03-16

Travel habits survey shows 70% of LU staff travel sustainably to work

Published 30 August 2023 The University has conducted a travel habits survey and a mobility analysis in order to assess possibilities for all the University’s staff to travel sustainably to and from the workplace. Results from the two studies show that most of the University’s staff already have the option to use public transport, walk or cycle to the workplace. Through several measures, the Unive

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/travel-habits-survey-shows-70-lu-staff-travel-sustainably-work - 2025-03-16

Nine new postdoctoral positions within the Excellence Programme for Sustainable Development

By Jenny [dot] Hansson [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Hansson) - published 25 August 2023 Lund University is investing in the development of leading international environments and interdisciplinary projects focusing on Agenda 2030 and sustainable development. Now the University is advertising nine new postdoctoral positions which together are to contribute to excellence in sustainability resear

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/nine-new-postdoctoral-positions-within-excellence-programme-sustainable-development - 2025-03-16

Tinder for cultural collaboration

By asa [dot] hansdotter [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Åsa Hansdotter) - published 24 August 2023 How can you enable encounters across boundaries in order to create new experiences, exciting research projects and innovation within education? And can it be done without things getting fuzzy? Ann-Kristin Wallengren. “Yes, this is something that those of us involved in the Strategy for Cultural Collabora

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/tinder-cultural-collaboration - 2025-03-16

Coordinated Examination Service project continues

By marie [dot] pihl [at] nek [dot] lu [dot] se (Marie Pihl) - published 25 August 2023 The first part of the Coordinated Examination Service project has been in full swing since March this year with, among other things, responsibility for the staffing of exam invigilators for all exams in the Annex (MA8, MA9, MA10). At the start of 2024 it will be time for the next stage of the work towards creati

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/coordinated-examination-service-project-continues - 2025-03-16

Upcoming Seminars on ‘Teaching for Sustainability’

By steven [dot] curtis [at] ahu [dot] lu [dot] se (Steven Curtis) - published 10 September 2023 Are you an educator grappling with how to navigate the complexities of sustainability in your teaching? Discover practical solutions and personal insights in our upcoming seminars tailored to empower you in the classroom. In line with Lund University's Education Strategy 2023-2024 – which aims to foster

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/upcoming-seminars-teaching-sustainability - 2025-03-16

English for LU staff in autumn 2024

By fabian [dot] beijer [at] englund [dot] lu [dot] se (Fabian Beijer) - published 20 June 2024 The courses in English for all LU staff will be offered again in autumn 2024. It is easy to find courses in English via Kompetensportalen, where you can also find out about the timetable, number of sessions, course content and registration deadline for each course.You can find English courses via Kompete

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/english-lu-staff-autumn-2024 - 2025-03-16

LU eScience Hub: NLP Applications in Scientific Domains

By alexandros [dot] sopasakis [at] math [dot] lth [dot] se (Alexandros Sopasakis) - published 12 September 2023 This event intends to bring together the scientific community and shed light on the capabilities of Natural Language Processing (NLP) while providing an overview of its achievements in different scientific fields A series of speakers from diverse scientific backgrounds will share insight

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/lu-escience-hub-nlp-applications-scientific-domains - 2025-03-16

Health and safety representative election, 150 years of female students and participation in Pride

Published 13 September 2023 There is a lot happening at the moment within the University concerning LU’s engagement in the work environment and equal opportunities. It is time to elect health and safety representatives – a very significant role. We are also marking 150 years since women gained the right to study at university and highlighting the fantastic attendance when LU took part in Pride for

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/health-and-safety-representative-election-150-years-female-students-and-participation-pride - 2025-03-16

Forum Medicum opens its doors

By Anna [dot] Mansfeld [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Mansfeld) - published 13 September 2023 Photo Agata Garpenlind. The Faculty of Medicine’s new knowledge centre, Forum Medicum, has been inaugurated with great pomp and ceremony. During August, staff and students moved into the building and filled the premises. Forum Medicum brings together the University’s health sciences and biomed

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/forum-medicum-opens-its-doors - 2025-03-16

LU receives grants for 40 EU projects

By rickard [dot] eksten [at] fs [dot] lu [dot] se (Rickard Eksten) - published 11 September 2023 It has been a good summer for LU. The call for applications in the spring for the EU’s framework programme for research and innovation, Horizon Europe, has resulted in approved grants for 40 new projects. The success has been on a broad front, involving researchers from seven of our faculties. The appr

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/lu-receives-grants-40-eu-projects - 2025-03-16

Spirituality is the theme for Odeum’s autumn programme

By sylvia [dot] lysko [at] iac [dot] lu [dot] se (Sylvia Lysko) - published 9 September 2023 The music programme for the autumn is on the theme of “Spirituality” and offers concerts, guest performances and discussion about music. The programme begins with a theme week in which Odeum, along with LU’s Cultural and Public Centres (LUKOM), including the Botanical Garden, is collaborating with Lund Cat

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/spirituality-theme-odeums-autumn-programme - 2025-03-16